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Cybersecurity for Beginners: The Complete Guide

Welcome to your complete guide to cybersecurity for beginners! Cybersecurity can seem like a daunting subject, with lots of long, technical words being thrown about which no one really understands. Yet, understanding cybersecurity and its importance in our daily lives, is absolutely critical. Without knowing what it is and what’s involved in the process, we’re…

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A crowd at a cyber security event


15 Cyber Security Events You Need to Attend

Attending cyber security events is essential in order to stay ahead of cyber attackers, and keep your security architecture up to date. Cyber security events are important as they can help you to stay educated on attacks that are becoming more sophisticated and engineered, and constantly on the rise. Therefore these events often offer similar…

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person in black hoodie using computer


Red, Blue and Purple: Purple Teaming Explained

Ever heard the terms ‘blue teaming’, ‘red teaming’, and ‘purple teaming’ but never really understood what they all meant? Or more importantly, what was the difference between them all? Well then this is the blog for you! In order to protect your important data from cyber criminals, you need to put your security system to…

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A woman on dialling numbers on a phone after a Vishing scam


What Is Vishing and the Ways to Prevent It

In order to keep your personal and company data secure, it is important to be aware of cyber threats such as Vishing. Much like Phishing, this scam involves tricking potential victims into disclosing information via a variety of methods over the phone. This means Vishing is easily conducted and hidden among the vast amount of…

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A series of strings interlinked to create a network


The Most Common Network Vulnerabilities You’ll Find

You don’t need to be an expert in cyber security to have a basic understanding of what network vulnerabilities are and how damaging they can be to any organization. This is something we tell the majority of our clients to help remove the stigma that is commonly associated with this form of cyber attack. You…

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Art created using cyber security analytics and data

Technology Solutions

Cyber Security Analytics: What You Should Be Tracking

In order to stay one step ahead of cyber criminals and to mitigate threats, you should be tracking metrics and keeping on top of your cyber security analytics. It is no longer enough to rely on software-based protection tools and methods, as they can’t always keep up with fast moving threats. Cyber security analytics are…

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A man working on a server


Digital Risk Protection – Is Your Data Secure?

As the title of this post suggests, here we’re going to be talking about digital risk protection and outlining exactly why it’s needed in today’s digital landscape. Without spoiling too much, the short answer as to why you need digital risk protection is it helps monitor threats, indicators of risk, and provides remediation recommendations that…

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code on a screen


What Is Data Exfiltration and the Ways to Prevent It

Like other common cyber attacks, data exfiltration is a problem facing many organizations. It’s a problem that continues to persist, making life just a little harder for security teams, management, stakeholders, and others associated with your company. The fact that data exfiltration can be conducted both manually and through automated processes makes it even more…

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An image of data flowing towards a server

Technology Solutions

Advanced Endpoint Protection: Your Cybersecurity Front Line

Try not to worry if your knowledge of advanced endpoint protection (AEP) is limited. This post will answer any and all questiony you have on this topic – questions such as ‘what is advanced endpoint protection,’ and ‘is endpoint protection the same as antivirus.’ Both are popular search queries online, and with good reason. Advanced…

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