In today's digital landscape, sophisticated cyber threats are constantly evolving, posing significant risks to businesses of all sizes. Traditional security measures are no longer sufficient to protect your valuable assets. At TLR, we offer advanced Threat Hunting Services designed to detect and neutralize hidden threats before they can cause serious harm.

Threat Hunting continuously monitors for threats and indicators of risk and provides remediation recommendations that are much more relevant and actionable. With better risk mitigation recommendations tailored to your organisation. Giving your security teams the ability to prioritise critical risks to your organisation.

Benefits of Threat Hunting

Relevant Intelligence

An intelligence program aligned to you and your organisation. Giving you risk protection tailored to your business needs.

Embedded In Cyber Reconnaissance

Threat hunting is embedded in cyber reconnaissance and threat intelligence.

Continuously Monitor Threats

Focus on only the most critical risks. Giving you the ability to mitigate and delegate threats.

Stronger Risk Mitigation

Monitor threats across all environments where exposure can occur.

How it works


Align To Your Business

Align intelligence most relevant to your organisation or business. Giving you a better intelligence program.


Continuously Monitor

Threat hunting continuously monitors for threats, and indicates risk within your organisation.


Prioritise Intelligence

We then use data relevant to your business or organisation to prioritise risks. Giving you the ability to focus on what is most critical.


  • All Source Intelligence

    As a complete service, we include all sources. Deep web, paste sites, code repositories, blacklists, breached datasets, malware sandboxes, social media, chat channels, domain feeds, and beyond.

  • Automated and Manual Collection

    Most data can be collected using automation; however, high-value sources require seasoned operatives to ensure security.

  • Fully Curated

    Finished intelligence that is directly related to your organisation. Minimal noise, Minimal false positives.

  • Takedowns

    A service without takedowns doesn’t solve your problems, so we work to mitigate harmful sites or data on your behalf.

  • Data Aquisition

    We can acquire this on your behalf if your data is exposed on the dark web.

  • Operational Security

    Operational security is built into our systems and processes putting degrees of separation between you and the bad guys.

  • Board Ready Reports

    Our customers are always saying “Of all my vendors and tools, your intelligence is what I bring to my board meeting most often.”

  • Cutting-Edge Insights

    Threat actors are constantly pivoting, DRPS keeps in stride with them. This means you’re always up to speed.

  • Interested in hearing more about our threat hunting services?

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